Current Members

Merel Kindt, PhD
Full Professor
Vanessa A. van Ast, PhD
Associate Professor
Renée M. Visser, PhD
Assistant Professor
Olivier de Vries
Ph.D. CandidateAlumni
Vivian Metselaar, former lab manager
Anna Gerlicher, former postdoc, currently assistant professor at Utrecht University
Jamie Elsey, former PhD candidate and postdoc, currently working at Rethink Priorities
Lara Bridge, former lab manager, currently master student at University of Amsterdam
Junjiao Li, visiting PhD candidate, South China Normal University
Femke Gazendam, former PhD candidate, currently GZ-certified therapist at PEP psychologen
Anna Kunze, former PhD candidate, currently assistant professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Marieke Bos, former PhD candidate, currently assistant professor at Leiden University
Dieuwke Sevenster, former PhD candidate and postdoc, currently assistant professor at Utrecht University
Marieke Soeter, former PhD candidate and postdoc, currently researcher at Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research [TNO]
Marieke Effting, former PhD candidate, currently lecturer at University of Amsterdam