Inga Marie Freund
PhD candidate
Research Interests
I am interested in the role of emotional memory in affective disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety disorders. In the realm of my PhD project, I wish to delve into what exactly we mean by ‘emotional memory’. Upon defining this construct, I aim to investigate whether emotional memory is a latent construct or a partial common cause of mental conditions with the use of network modeling.
I obtained my BSc in psychology at the University of Glasgow (2017, First Class Honours), During this degree, I studied abroad at the University of California, Berkeley for one academic year (2015-2016, GPA = 4.0). Following my BSc, I completed my research MSc in clinical and health psychology at Leiden University (2020, Cum Laude). As part of my postgraduate degree, I completed a 5-month research internship in the Emotional Memory Lab. Meanwhile, my interest in clinical psychology led me to complete a 9-month practical internship at PsyQ IMHS in The Hague. Since September 2020, I am combining my curiosity about research and clinical psychology as a PhD student in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the UvA, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Merel Kindt, Prof. Dr. Arnoud Arntz, and Dr. Renée Visser.
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