Vivian Metselaar

Research Assistant and Lab Manager

Research Interests

I am interested in the maladaptive emotional memories, cognitions and beliefs central to the development and maintenance of diverse psychopathologies. My current focus is on experimental research in the malleability of the emotionality of episodic memories. I am interested more generally in transdiagnostic and network approaches to mental illness and wellbeing with the aim of targeting core symptoms in treatment to insight long-lasting alleviating effects. I am additionally interested in the practical application of memory research to forensics and policy-making.


I completed my Research Masters in Psychology (MSc; GPA=8,5) at the University of Amsterdam, majoring in clinical and developmental psychology research. I completed my Bachelors of Liberal Arts and Sciences (joint, honors degree program) at Amsterdam University College and the Department of Psychology and Criminology at the University of Hong Kong (Cum Laude).
